Codera’s South African Banking Dashboard makes it easy to analyse different measures of banks’ financial position, that in turn indicate bank performance and broader financial stability risk. Users can, for example, assess developments in different types of credit extension, such as mortgages or credit card lending by bank. Such granularity enables ongoing analysis of banking sector developments and how market conditions and regulation impact bank behaviour.

Codera also has a Banking Explorer available to subscribers that makes it possible to update, download and visualise over 300 accounting line items and custom indicators for South African banks with the click of a button. Users can, for example, map different types of credit extension, such as mortgages or unsecured credit against the type of borrower, by bank, for each month. In this video, Aidan Horn demonstrates how you can use the explorer.
Our dashboards draw on our EconData platform that puts South African economic and financial data at your fingertips whether you use excel, R or Python. Explore exclusive datasets, including unique public finance, regulatory reporting data and investment fund holdings. We are at almost a million series and counting! Start exploring for free at and email us at if you would like an enterprise subscription or automated dashboards and analytics in your corporate colours.