
Econometric data service for automating workflows using African economic and financial data

EconData is a platform for:

  1. Data integration (automated access to complex public and private data)
  2. Enterprise forecast management (unique globally)
  3. Ecosystem of data products (including predictive analytics, scenario planning)

EconData enables automation of analytical workflows that depend on public domain or third-party data. It is also a leading-edge forecast management system, enabling data and model automation and best practice data and model governance. EconData supports data-sharing across databases and within institutions, codifies modelling process flows and provides User-level access control. EconData makes it easy to securely manage and share model scenarios and forecast vintages.

Codera also uses EconData to automate models, do research, and create value-added products such as interactive scenario dashboards. These dashboards and forecasts are made available to our clients. Individual subscriptions start at just R1000 per month (VAT excluded), and are even more cost-effective for enterprise subscribers. Visit to try EconData for free and discover how EconData makes complex public domain data easy to access and use.

The data aspect of EconData is built on top of the Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) standard for the exchange of statistical data and metadata. SDMX is promoted by leading international data providers, including the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the European Central Bank (ECB), Eurostat (Statistical Office of the European Union), International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the United Nations Statistical Division (UNSD), and the World Bank as a global standard for data exchange.

The EconData Registry provides a central data glossary of data concepts and the information necessary to access and interpret data and associated metadata.

To enable fully automatable workflows, we provide open API and a packages for R and Python, as well as an excel plugin.

Our EconData blog provides tutorials for using EconData and automating models and charts using the platform.

We are continuously adding data sources to EconData. The table below summarises the datasets currently under development.

Data Module Source Details Availability
ASISA Cross-Border Investment by asset managers and Hedge Funds Subscriber only
Banking Sector Data DI100, DI200, BA100, BA120, BA200, BA325, BA700, BA900  South African Reserve Bank Subscriber only
Basic Fuel Price Components of retail fuel prices Subscriber only
Business Cycles South African Reserve Bank Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
CPD Rates (interest rates) South African Reserve Bank Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
CPI Analytical Series Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
CPI COICOP 5-digit Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
CPI Weights for South Africa back to 1970 Statistics South Africa Subscriber only
Civil Cases for debt Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Electricity Production Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
External Sector South African Reserve Bank Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Financial Sector South African Reserve Bank Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Fiscal Sector South African Reserve Bank Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Land Transport Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Liquidation and insolvency Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Manufacturing Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Market Rates South African Reserve Bank Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Mining Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Motor trade Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
National Accounts Statistics South Africa, South African Reserve Bank Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Other Macroeconomic Indicators South African Reserve Bank Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Population data South African Reserve Bank Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Producer Price Index Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Provincial Budgets National Treasury Subscriber only
Regional Property Prices Statistics South Africa Subscriber only
Public Finance National Treasury Budget Reviews Subscriber only
Quarterly Bulletin SARB Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Quarterly Labour Force Survey Statistics South Africa  Subscriber only
Regional National Accounts Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Regional Population Data Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Retail Trade Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
SARB MPC Projections SARB Subscriber only
Tourism and Migration Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Tourist Accommodation Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Wholesale Trade Statistics South Africa Free for non-commercial use, subscriber
Upcoming additions:
IMF Forecasts IMF Subscriber only
Trade Module SARS Subscriber only
Sovereign Debt Operations National Treasury Subscriber only

Most public domain data are not easy to use. With EconData, you can find such data easily, use any tool you want to analyse it and keep your research easily up to date. With EconData, data is democratised and quality assured. Join the community.