Historical CPI weights to 1970 for SA

At Codera Analytics, we have meticulously compiled all previous South African CPI weight releases, which are now available on the EconData platform. This comprehensive dataset encompasses CPI weights organised under two distinct regimes: 1970–2000 and 2008–2019. With nearly 300 line items for the first regime and 200 for the second, this dataset offers a rich, yet largely untapped, resource for economic analysis. The figure below shows the weights in the consumer price index of different consumer items over time, distinguishing between pre-2008 and post-2008 regimes. The largest nine weights are shown on the plot, with the remaining categories distributed under “All other divisions”. Housing and Transport maintain relatively stable weights over time, with Housing increasing from an 18% contribution in 1970 to almost 23% in 2019. The weight for Transport fluctuates between around 14% and 19% across both regimes, peaking in 2008. Conversely, the Food and Non-alcoholic Beverages category shows a slight decline post-2008 based on the expenditure weights from Stats SA. Contact us if you are interested in subscribing to our subscriber datasets in EconData.

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