Intangible capital stock in SA

Intangible assets are playing an increasingly important role in the global economy. Intangible assets are non-physical assets which create value for firms, such as software, data, intellectual property or their brand.  Today’s post shows that while software has become an increasingly valuable asset in South Africa, data still represents a tiny proportion of intangible assets.  This suggests that South African firms still have a long way to go in terms of how they value their data and use their data strategically. In earlier posts we showed that there are questions around not only around the measurement of intangible assets in South Africa but also around what might explain why intangible investment is not growing as fast as in major economies. The low growth in the real value of tangible and intangible capital should be a major concern to policymakers since capital stock is a key driver of productivity growth and therefore long-term per capita income. 

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